Saturday, May 2, 2009

90s alternative music

the other day i had a sudden urge to listen to some alternative tunes that were popular back when i was in grade school. i went on youtube, typed in whatever i could remember and was led through playlists upon playlists, all of which reminded me of this great time in music history - especially for canadian bands. remember these gems??

"Remote Control" - Age of Electric
"Incarnate" - Watchmen
"My Old Self" - Wide Mouth Mason
"Caught a Lite Sneeze" - Tori Amos
and anything from I Mother Earth's album Scenery & Fish

shit, i wish the quality of popular music maintained itself throughout these new generations. where are the poetic lyrics? the layers of musicality and the artistic videos? none of the songs in the above list sound anything like each other. each group/artist expressed their unique sound, seemingly for the sake of expressing it. this is not so today. there seems to be this push to prove oneself as a celebrity first and a rockstar second. not only that, but rockstar doesn't necessarily equal musician or artist.

today's generation wants to be entertained and immediately gratified. the song doesn't need artistry if it has a catchy hook, suggestive lyrics, and a seizure-inducing video to match. case in point: "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga - it has spent 19 weeks so far on the Billboard's Top 100. upon searching for the lyrics to this masterpiece, here' s what i found (note: if you know the song, don't sing along, just read it like a poem):

- - -
I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas Plays
Fold 'em let 'em hit me, raise it baby, stay with me (I love it)
Luck and intuition play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked, I'll play the one that's on his heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face (she's got me like nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face (she's got me like nobody)
- - -

incredible isn't it? like stepping into a lyrical wonderland.

now, there's nothing wrong with repetition because by its description, pop music nearly requires some repeats. but at least add a decent melody to the words! 3 of the 4 lines in that first verse are one note - that is not singing, that is melodic talking. and barely that. you hear more musicality when a congregation of church-goers recite the Apostles' Creed. you get more complexity from the prepubescent rantings of suburban emo children. anyway... i could go on. the point is, i am not a fan of pop music today (dur). and i long for the days of 90s alternative. ohh, remember "Andromeda" by Zuckerbaby? and "Salvation" by the Cranberries?!


  1. ohh, what about 'friend of mine' by treble charger... and 'someone who is cool' by the odds....ohh the 90s was a utopia for Canadian rock :D

    Scenery and fish = epic. Edwin leaving I Mother Earth still breaks my heart.

  2. I Mother Earth ... my first concert.

    Nice shout out!

  3. Early OLP was pretty solid too, and let's not forget Tea Party ("Edges of Twilight" = awesome album!)
