Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rage of the Day: hollering kiddos

it's not screaming children in malls that grinds my gears. it's the screaming children that are given whatever it is they're screaming about that really gets to me.

case in point: a side-by-side stroller with two toddlers completely losing their melons over "ice creeeeeaam!!!" little tear-stained faces imploring pity from the passers-by - myself included. no dice, little man. when i was in that spot, hollering for something, i was given one warning. one strike and i was out. out to the car and back home. my parents gave no empty threats and rewarded good or even decent behaviour but certainly not red-faced, screaming tantrums. i hope to learn from my parents and enact the same discipline on my (eventual) little rugrats.

i walked by the family a few minutes later. mom pushing the stroller, dad bent in front of the kiddos offering them gigantic, beautiful ice cream cones.

more screaming ensued.

and that, dear Reader, is my rage of the day.