Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rage of the Day: handsfree headsets

let me be clear that i FULLY support handsfree headsets for cellphone use while driving. i have worked with car accident victims for a number of years and have seen my share of cellphone-caused collisions. while driving in your car, please use a headset even if it's not the law where you live.

but that being said...

what is with people who walk around with these sticks in their ears when both hands are available to hold their phone? in Chapters, some dude was pacing through the stacks, arms swinging freely, while he trumpted into his bluetooth with undue self-importance. the volume of his voice was already grinding my gears let alone the fact that he felt it necessary to use his headset while his hands were idle.

yesterday, i watched a man having dinner with his wife, sitting across from her at the table with his big black headset stuck to his face. the nylon shorts/faded t-shirt combo suggested that he was not a Wall Street businessman, at least not that day, but really...at the dinner table? my hackles go up when i see kiddos listening to their iPods at the table, how much more for this try-hard?

handsfree headsets are commonplace. soon enough, they'll be prizes in cereal boxes or sliding out of bubblegum machines. they are meant to facilitate safer driving while talking on a cellphone. they may even cause less strain on the neck/shoulder area if one is speaking on a cell while doing computer work. they do indeed have a purpose. but that purpose is not to make you look flashy, important or successful. your actions determine that.

and really. how cool can a bluetooth be if both your grandma and your fourth-grader have better ones than you?

that, dear Reader, is my rage of the day.